Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm in a cooking mood.

Sometimes, cooking is a necessity. It just has to happen. I am pretty sure I want to make some lovely bird cookies. Mine won't look this fantastic but I have to get some inspiration somewhere, right?

I was rolled over by a boulder.

Well, with good news generally comes bad news. Earlier in the week, I heard some fantastic news about some University of Louisville scholarhip. Well, last night, I received news of no scholarship from University of Colorado, Boulder. I was accepted though, which is pretty grand in itself. One acceptance with money, One acceptance with no money, one rejection, and 2 unknowns. I need answers!

music time of day.

Jesse Sykes. If you want a beautiful voice with some extremely penetrating lyrics, here you are.

Wooden wand. Acoustic/Indie/Folk/Punk (it doesn't get much more vague than that)

Hey Rosetta! Indie rock goodness.

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