Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Great movie directed by Wes Anderson, (Royal Tenenbaums, the Life Aquatic, Rushmore, the Darjeeling Limited). The screenplay is based on a best-selling children's book written by Roald Dahl. Check it out.


  1. I LOVED this movie. Just saw it yesterday and want to see it again.

    How's Murray life? I miss it and I miss your sister (as I am sure you do).

    Kudos on the blog layout...very cute.

  2. Yo, god I know- that movie is just the best. On the verge of being my favorite wes anderson film. Murray life is getting old (thank god i'm moving in august) and YES I MISS EDEN TERRIBLY. How is France?! I sure do enjoy stalking your blog occasionally and seeingg all your neat additions. :)



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