Tuesday, June 1, 2010

bicycle goodness.

As of last summer I have a wonderful Trek road bike that I LOVE riding every time I get the opportunity. I got the bike thinking I was going to get really serious about it all and do races and such. That dream wasn't exactly realized last summer. This summer, I am setting some new bicycle goals.

My boyfriend and I both have nice bikes that we enjoy riding so we went on a 16-mile ride together on Sunday and it was great. So here are my new goals for the summer on the bicycle:

1. Ride at least twice a week, (this means REALLY ride, not just piddle around town).
2. Get up to riding 30 miles at a time.
3. Up my average speed to about 15/16 mph.
4. Buy new pedals, new helmet, cycling shorts and a computer for bike.

On another note, those of you that have a bike, ride it! It is such a pleasant, easy and enjoyable way to get exercise. Especially if you can ride it out in the country and take your camera with you. Last week I was on vacation in the FL Keys and I took my bike... and my camera. And those two things were fairly inseperable for the entire trip. Take a ride out in the country and take some pictures. Exercise and create all at the same time. :)

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