I sing opera... well classical music in general... artsong, oratorio, etc. I am starting a Master's program for this in the Fall. But I like other music... sometimes more... sometimes less... than classical music. It is very commonly a LOVE-HATE relationship for me. That is why I like LOTS of other music. People commonly ask me to share music with them so here goes nothing. I will add more every week/day/hour as I feel compelled.

Mean Jeans is a new favorite. Probably considered to be in the punk rock genre, it doesn't quite fit the classical, opers-singer mold. Happy-go-lucky springtime happy dance music.

Mumford and Sons is a new fav as well. This is quite comparable to the Avett Brothers- rock and roll attitude meets folky bluegrass acoustic instruments. This is a Saturday morning favorite.

Eef Barzelay=love. Singer/songwriter type who I am convinced is more a songwriter than singer. But so good. Good melancholy mood music.

Volcano Choir- calling classical music peeps. This is Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) singing with lots of noise/looping/20th century type stuff. good bedtime music.