Artist: The tallest man on earth. (Not seriously, just the name of the artist.)
What is it? Folky goodness.
How does it make me feel? Like I need to buy a banjo and learn to write songs.

Artist: Willy Mason
What is it? make a difference music.
How does it make me feel? Like I need to go out into the world and make a difference in the world.
P.S. If you look back a few posts, I posted a song of his (lyrics only). That songs says it all really.

Song: Rock, salt and nails
What is it?: Pure, bluegrassy goodness
How does it make me feel? Like love sucks and that I never want to be in a relationship again, (but in the best way you could ever imagine.)
P.S. The song was written by a songwriter by the name of Utah Phillips and performed first by Steve Young. But many, many artists have covered and do cover this song.