I have 2 pet rabbits. Their names are Asher and Faust. I am questioning whether I will be taking them along to Louisville with me in the Fall or leaving them with the BF here in Murray (he is madly in love with them, too). I am leaning towards just taking my cat (Lily) with me since I am questioning the amount of time I will have for the bunnies when I am in school. This decision makes me sad. Because I love them. And they are my little life garnishes. So here is a photo dedication to all the lovely pet bunnies all over the world that make their owner's lives a bit brighter on a daily basis.
Nobody is a better singer/songwriter/all around amazing musician and cool ass chick than Ms. Neko Case. That voice will never bore my not-so-easily entertained ears. Punk/indie meets country music; nothing could make me a happier lady.
I am a KY girl who enjoys opera, hot tea, bicycles, decorating, vintage everything, being convicted about things, bluegrass music and dresses. Music consumes the majority of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.