Late night youtubing just led me to something pretty incredible. I might be a bit late on this bandwagon but GOOD GOD this stuff is just great. GREAT. enjoy.
Music is an integral part of my nightime ritual. I almost always listen to music to go to sleep and I am going to share with you some of the great sleepy time tunage that I enjoy. Keep in mind, this is all very chill, ambient, relaxing musi , (for the most part). You probably aren't going to feel like partaking in the middle of the day if you react to music like I do. Sigur Ros Beth Gibbons Phosphorescent Horse Feathers Bill Callahan
I am a KY girl who enjoys opera, hot tea, bicycles, decorating, vintage everything, being convicted about things, bluegrass music and dresses. Music consumes the majority of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.