Wednesday, March 10, 2010

my aristocratic self.

Sitting on my couch, minding my own business. My boyfriend keep staring at me. I say, "yes?" He says, " You have the profile and look of an 18th century aristocratic lady." I was bored, so this sent me googling. I found this. And I liked it.

Then this. And liked it. For much different reasons.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Great movie directed by Wes Anderson, (Royal Tenenbaums, the Life Aquatic, Rushmore, the Darjeeling Limited). The screenplay is based on a best-selling children's book written by Roald Dahl. Check it out.

my morning lover.

Every morning of my life, (I suppose afternoons and evenings are included as well), I drink tea. I just can't get enough of it. Black tea, white tea, green tea, peppermint, blueberry, oolang, constant comment, morning thunder, earl grey... the list goes on and on. This is a dedication to my one true love.

currently reading...

My current reading choice. Good one to just pick up when you have time. As it says, it is about listening to music in the 20th century.

lovely music.

As promised, here is some more fantastic music to look into. :)

Horse Feathers. Very folky, very chill- good summer Saturday evening listening music.

This is an opera. With which I am obsessed. Because it contains my dream role (Fiordligi). Check it out. Even if you have never listened to opera. It's exciting.

Another opera. A 20th century one by Phillip Glass. Have you seen the movie "The Hours"? If you have, did you like the music? Then you will like this. (Note: if you haven't seen "The Hours" or read the book- shame on you and go find now. And if you saw it and you didn't like the music... well... we probably shouldn't be friends anymore.)

I love bunnies. I love kitties.


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