It was a hot day today. I was in desperate need of a cool beverage after my Goodwill extravaganza. At this point, I was planning on returning home to make some delicious crystal light raspberry lemonade when I remembered that my one and only pitcher for making drinks broke! Total crisis. Soooo... this is what originally gave me the excuse to go to Peddlers Mall. For a pitcher. And I found a pretty darn good one if I may say so myself. I'm a sucker for old mason jars and I had never seen an actual pitcher mason jar. Oh, Peddlers mall, how you never cease to amaze a girl. Only $3.50 for this adorable little thing.
Now, at first glance, I wasn't sold on these... However, the more I looked at those darling little owls, the more convinced I was that I needed 2 more mugs to add to my ridiculously large mug collection. What can I say? I drink a ridiculous amount of hot tea.
The Goodwill PJ section was a hit today. I absolutely love finding old, beautiful nightgowns/slips/etc. At the goodwill today, I ran into this vintage Gloria Vanderbilt lacey nightgown. I haven't decided whether this is actually going to be worn as a nightgown or perhaps as a dress belted with a slip underneath, (as the top is entirely see-through lace, as you can see). My favorite part of this one is the tiny little satin stitched flower/paisley sewn into the lace top. Cute Cute Cute.
At first glance, this was very old lady. At second glance, I was thinking, "hmmm, kinda classy". And at third glance, I was sold. At only $2.00, I am convinced that this will be a lovely edition to my bathroom for nailpolishes and random toiletries. OR it very well might be my new and improved tights storage unit. I kind of have this other addiction that goes along with the mugs... yep... tights.
Coming in as my last purchase was another owl. Isn't this the cutest little thing? Now to figure out where to put it. Hmmm.